Jyoti Swaroop Mohanty

Workout Tips When You Are Traveling

Jyoti Swaroop Mohanty


Being healthy and fit has become a major goal in life even for the people working in corporates. Tirelessly working for long hours, irregularity in food consumption and no motivation for workouts or exercise is daily phenomena now. But somehow, now people are making positive efforts to remain fit and healthy even with their tight schedules, which gives a positive sign in Corporates. Then, comes travelling for official purpose and we completely ignore exercises during travel days. Everything goes haywire and we come again back to square one on body shape.

It is not easy at all to be in shape while traveling. If you are going for a vacation, you just go with the flow, do not exercise and eat whatever you want. Usually, people tend to add more to their weight after the vacation is over. The delicious dishes, outstanding locations, and fun that is involved in a vacation do not help at all to control your appetite. We have try to come up with some tips and ideas that will help you stay fit while you are traveling and that too not reducing your fun-time at all.

If you want to maintain fitness while traveling, the first thing you need to do is get some time out daily for exercise at least for 15–20 minutes. Exercising does not have to be lifeless at all when you are on a vacation. Hitting the gym in the hotel is a good way but not many people tend to do so. Here are some workout tips as well as fitness advice which will help you in staying in shape and high in energy to make your travel more enjoyable -

● Stretch After a long drive or a boring flight: It is a real necessity that you must do as your lower back becomes sore after a long flight. Sitting prolonged hours in a car, train or a flight affects other body parts like lower back, neck and legs. Stretching is the best way to reduce this problem. You can use YOGA poses here which will help in getting rid of the soreness and refreshes your body and mind for the adventure.

● Functional Light Exercise: Though you may argue that regular exercise is nearly impossible to do while traveling. There are some exercises like running, swimming, and functional exercise, which is part of CrossFit training can be done when you are staying in that beautiful hotel or a soulful resort.

● Tabata Workout: Tabata workouts can also be seen as a part of strength training as the workout helps in increasing strength and increase fitness like anything. In this kind of workouts, you will find some simple yet effective workouts to be completed in order like Push-ups, Bodyweight Squats, Burpees, Mountain Climbers, etc which are done using your body weight. The exercises can be done anywhere and no fancy equipment is needed for them, synchronised with the music downloadable anywhere.

● Incorporate Healthy Food Choices: When you are enjoying your holidays, food is considered the major spoiler. Making healthy food choices while traveling will reduce the chance of working extra hard to shed those extra kilos after you come back home. You can carry your own snacks while traveling, opt for fruit salads in place of pizza or any other junk food during a hunger attack or avoid aerated drinks at any cost. If there is a choice you can avoid restaurant junk food as much as possible and try to find a way to use the kitchen of your hotel. Remember, eating healthy will help you stay healthy in the long run.

● Exercise with Friends: If you are traveling with your friend, family or any loved one, it will be fun to take them along for any fitness activity. It will increase communication between you and your friends when you spend quality time doing activities or fitness training together. This way you will not be bored and it will be fun.

● Engage yourself in adventure sports — Adventure sports are great way of moving your body and you’ll not even know that you are exercising. Any form of water sport, paragliding, snow biking, skiing, rock climbing, river rafting or anything like these helps you stay active, boosting your adrenaline levels.

Here are some additional tips to stay fit while you are travelling -

● Stay Hydrated: While you are away, water must be your best friend. Every doctor and fitness experts recommend that consuming 3 to 4 litres of water a day is very important to make our body functioning well. If you are going to spend your vacation on a seashore or in hot climate areas, water is the ultimate necessity. To stay hydrated always carry a water bottle whenever you go out and try to keep track of the amount you are taking each day. You may also consume lemon, lime or any other water-based fruits squeezed and mixed with water to improve the vitamins and minerals you are consuming along with it. Avoid alcohol or any kind of aerated drink during the daytime to save yourself from being dehydrated.

● Relaxation is must: Try to enjoy as much as you can. Keep stress away from you. The real thing is that you are on a trip to have fun. So, while traveling, if you are not able to exercise as you do daily, don’t be stressed as this will break down the peace. Also, if you find some time for meditation through some techniques of yoga, it will be even better and help your mind and spirit stay calm in any situation while traveling.

Being fit is not a desire, it is a habit necessary for spending a beautiful and effective life. Habits cannot be changed even when you are traveling. Stay hydrated, stay motivated and stay energised while traveling to maximise the fun and enjoyment during your vacation.



Jyoti Swaroop Mohanty

Digital Marketing Specialist: Digital Marketing Training & Consulting: Project Simulation Workshops: Assistant Professor